Canaan AvalonMiner A1466I

$12,824 $13,499
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Model AvalonMiner A1466I from Canaan mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hash rate of 170Th/s for a power consumption of 3315W.

ASIC  Bitcoin mining equipment manufacturer, Canaan, has announced its latest model, the Avalon A1466I. The announcement was made during a conference held in Singapore to celebrate the company’s 10th anniversary. The Avalon A1466I presents a computing power of 170 TH/s and an efficiency of 19.5 J/T. This new model marks the first time Canaan has developed an ASIC with less than 20 J/T, placing it in line with other devices of its generation and making it comparable in efficiency to some of the most powerful models currently on the market.

Mining Cryptocurrency Hardware

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